Thursday, March 28, 2013

Punxutawny Phil exonerated!

Yes, the Ohio prosecutor who filed charges against Punxatawny Phil for an erroneous prediction that spring would arrive six weeks after February 2 has withdrawn the charges after Phil's handler took the fall for the famous groundhog. Meanwhile, we in the North Country are seeing the sun today, but there are predictions of rain mixed with snow in the next few days. Spring is still ANOTHER six weeks away around here...but we can always hope!

When I was growing up in New Orleans, I thought six more weeks of winter after February 2 was a bad thing. I have known winters there that were clearly over by the end of February. This winter is not one of them. Even way down south they are having a cold snap.

Onward to Easter!

Monday, March 11, 2013

What I Gave up for Lent


Oh, wait, you're supposed to give up something you really like for Lent...

Does it count as giving it up if my husband reads to me the posts he gets on Facebook?